A downloadable game for Windows

Relive the Chaos Wars in this Digital Board game from the world of Kaihamour. 2 player startegy game to capture and hold 5 ressources against your opponent Rules below. 


Ningus Rule Book

Saméël Sargent-Charbonneau

Objective: To capture and hold 5 resource pieces for 1 turn

Set Up: Place all the resource pieces on the red tiles

Start of the game: pink plays first during the placement of defenders, afterwards orange plays


Playing the game: each turn you can either place a piece, or move a piece (Either 1 attacker or

up to 3 defenders). You cannot do both. You can only do one action. IE you cannot place more

than one piece per turn.

Tiles in this game are adjacent if they touch corners.

How each piece works:

Defender: 8 each, 16 total

- Only goes on triangle tiles

- Can only be placed and move on black tiles, not yellow

- Can move 7 adjecent spaces during one turn

- If 2 defenders of the same colour are adjacent, they block the path between 2 hexagon

tiles for the opponent’s attacker pieces.

- No more than a group of 3 defenders are allowed to be adjacent to each other.

Attackers: 5 each, 10 total

- You can only place these once all 8 of your defenders are on the board

- Only goes on hexagon tiles

- Can only be placed on blue tiles

- Can only move one adjecent space per turn

- If an attacker moves to a tile occupied by an enemy attacker, resource, or neutral

resource, you capture that piece.

- You cannot capture an enemy attacker piece if you do not own any captured resources

- If you capture an attacker, it is to be placed under your nearest available resource from

where it was captured

- If you capture a resource with your attackers underneath, remove them from the board.

You have regained lost attackers and can use them as if they have not been played yet.

Resources: 6 total

- To be placed on red tiles at the start of the game

- If captured, your next turn must be used to place it.

- Resource pieces can only be placed on a green tile once they’ve been captured

- It cannot be placed on a tile occupied by a resource or any attacker piece

- The resource must be placed with the colour of its owner facing up

- Resources cannot be moved after being placed unless captured.

- If upon placing a resource you have 4 capture resources surrounding a neutral resource,

you capture the surrounded resource that turn.

- A resource can only hold two captured attacker piece's underneath it. A resource is

considered available if it has less than 2 attacker piece's underneath it.

End game:

- If a player starts a turn with 5 resources they win the game. A player doesn’t win once

they capture their 5th resource. A player doesn’t win once they place their 5th resource.

They win when they start the turn with 5 resources they captured.

Published 8 days ago
StatusIn development
Tags3D, Board Game, Multiplayer
Average sessionA few seconds


NingusSetup.exe 1.6 MB

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